Infinity ingredients is the UK distributor of BIOACTIVE TOTAROL™ T9 Cosmetic from Totarol.
A world first organic super ingredient sustainably sourced from the fallen New Zealand Totara Tree. Bioactive Totarol™ is a highly potent antioxidant (7 times more potent than vitamin E) and antibacterial (including acne causing bacteria), transforming human health by harnessing 100 million years of nature. In the 1990’s international and New Zealand scientists conducted research on the To-tara tree.
They were intrigued by the fact that To-tara wood seemed to survive environmental attacks and degradation. The wood had proved to be virtually unblemished after hundreds of years of growth. After testing it, they discovered that Bioactive Totarol™ located in the heartwood of the tree was the magic ingredient at play. Bioactive Totarol™ is able to penetrate harmful, pathogenic bacteria and destroy them. It also fights free radicals which are unstable molecules that can damage cells, contributing to many health concerns.
Successfully used in cosmetic formulations for the last 20 years, this highly effective, multi-tasking and versatile ingredient can be used across cosmetics, skin care, oral and pet care products. Offering a microbiome friendly solution for acne, anti-ageing and inflammation.
Material Compatibility
Water Phase
Nature Compliant